
About me

Sarah Wilkes

Hi! I'm a frontend web developer and content strategy enthusiast. I enjoy figuring out new systems, problem-solving, JavaScript, and yes, even CSS.

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Github Octocat avatar, wearing t-shirt, jeans, glasses, and holding a baguette

Featured Work

Dictionary Web App

This Free Dictionary lookup app built with React, Sass, fluid typography, and darkmode is one of my more elaborate FrontendMentor.io projects.

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Screen grab of dictionary lookup app

GitHub User Search App

A FrontendMentor.io build that looks up GitHub users via the API, and includes light and dark modes. Mine runs on vanilla JS and Vite.

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Screen grab of GitHub user search app


My own explainer about modern yoyoing, using React and Tailwind.

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Screen grab of my yoyo page


Have a project in mind? Still don't understand the difference between 6061 and 7075 aluminum in a yoyo? Need to hear all about my cats? Get in touch!

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